View Full Version : Left Handed Gaming Mouse...FINALLY!

26-05-2012, 11:13am
If, like me, you are left handed and use a gaming mouse, with buttons programmed up for photoshop and lightroom, and find that the usual mouse is annoying cause of the placement of the buttons on the mouse, then help is coming.

At present I find the buttons on my mouse, although they work well for the functions I have programmed, are not ergonomically suited to us 'lefties'. Well Razer are coming to the party, by making a left handed version of one of their popular gaming mice. We will have to wait till next year to get our left paws on one, but FINALLY : http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/295678,razer-to-launch-left-handed-naga-gaming-mouse.aspx

and a thought to leave you with...

As we use the opposite sides of our brains to control our bodies. ie, the left side of the human brain controls the right side of the human body, left handers are the only ones in their right minds!

26-05-2012, 12:44pm
I'm left handed, but hate extra mouse buttons and use my mouse right handed (with my left hand if you see what I mean), so no use to me; but Razer mice are meant to be pretty good.

Lance B
26-05-2012, 4:22pm
It would be good if you were ambidextrous and then you wouldn't need a left handed mouse. :D

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous. :lol:

26-05-2012, 7:31pm
I'm also a leftie, but have been using the mouse right handed for so long I don't think I could change over.

26-05-2012, 7:39pm
I can use a standard mouse with either hand, without a problem. I just really like using a gaming mouse for all the shortcuts I can program to the buttons, and it is these I have trouble with, and for some reason a gaming mouse feels better in my left hand.

27-05-2012, 9:34am
I'm a lefty but I just put my mouse into my left hand and it feels... wrong. I guess because I've been using one for years in my right hand. But I think some people will certainly find some use out of this!

28-05-2012, 1:18pm
:D A few lefties on here , So am I but use the mouse in the R/H , I can play Tennis both hands , Forhand shots all the time :th3:

28-05-2012, 1:46pm
lefties rule! :)

i am so used to using my wrong hand now i doubt a left-handed mouse would help me.... I do have a left handed screwdriver though

28-05-2012, 8:55pm
David, a left handed screwdriver is an amusing idea, but what we really need are left handed screws.


28-05-2012, 9:34pm
we have been living in a r/h world to long, i have never tried using my left for the mouse with the rest of the family being afflicted with righthandism

aussie girl
28-05-2012, 10:03pm
I am a leftie as well, but I can use the mouse in either hand, (with out changing over the settings of the buttons) Feels natural in either. At work I use a scanner gun and can use this in either had as well and work just as quick with either hand (helps keep RSI at bay)
I used to play tennis as a kid (right handed, learnt to play golf right handed, learnt a bit of guitar, right handed, just could not use my right hand to hold the cords. Use scissors left handed, iron left handed, can write with either hand (but not at the same time). I worked previously on a production line making cars and it was set up for right handed people, but I could use the battery guns in either hand, so whilst others were having to get into awkward positions to do stuff on the right side of the car, I just switched hands.
I have always said that we lefties are smarter than the average bear, because we use the better side of our brains, but that right handed SLR camera still has me scratching my head, might have to look at that manual again!! it seems to be written in strange right side brain language:lol: