View Full Version : This is the life....

20-05-2012, 3:32pm
I know these are not the best of images. Mainly because I was laughing and hand holding the camera. This is Millie "relaxing" in front of the fire. She was sleeping on her cushion, but slipped off when she got to hot. However she was far to comfortable to move. I wish I had this cats life.... :lol:

20-05-2012, 4:36pm
hahaha. My dogs seem to have the same life as your cat.

Mark L
20-05-2012, 8:21pm
Such is life for some of us. :)

20-05-2012, 9:47pm
Almost Cheshire Cat expression in the second one - love it! Thanks for sharing this!

23-05-2012, 3:02pm
Nobody can 'do' comfort quite like a cat can!