View Full Version : Photography forums.

Mark L
18-04-2012, 8:37pm
Just interested.
While I occasionally view a couple of others, I'm only active here.

18-04-2012, 8:39pm
There are OTHER photography forums? :confused013

Surely you jest! :lol:

18-04-2012, 8:48pm
I am with Kym on this one

18-04-2012, 9:01pm
Just one, this is home ;)

18-04-2012, 9:19pm
There are others. But most are world wide. This one I like because it's local, and relevant. I like the members on here, they generally are honest with their opinion.
There is another that I am registered on, but I am yet to post. But once again it's a general world population one.
It was recommended by a friend. It does however have a weekly newsletter, which generally contains a tutorial of some sort.
There is also an interesting subforum were the members who post an image must give a reasonably good description on how/where they took the image, and any PP done to the image.
They also have a critique section, but I have yet to see a decent critique. "Nice Shot" is very common.

I told a lie...:( I did post in the introduction thread. But never received a "Welcome to the Forum". And after reading a couple pages, no-one really does. A bit of bad form I think. :umm:

18-04-2012, 10:37pm
I wondered if there were forums such as this when I was a kid, but once I found this one the need to look elsewhere was no longer present. I'm only on 2 internet forums (this and a music one) and that's all I need. :)

18-04-2012, 10:49pm
Ultimately this is home . This is the best place for real world feedback & friendly advice. :D
I'm on a couple of others, mainly for some great tutorials & tips.
One landscape forum I'm on has many from the medium format crowd. My mind boggles at the gear - Struth, their cameras cost more than my car :eek:
If only those lotto numbers would come up!
But it is always interesting to get different feedback from other countries & backgrounds.
But AP is the only one I look at religously.
Thanks Father Rick. I must however confess I used my DSLR on auto last week. Am I forgiven?? :D:D:D

Mary Anne
18-04-2012, 11:35pm
I dont have time for another Photography Forum, my foot is stuck in the door here and I cant get it out :D
Though I do post now and again and reply to submissions on an Art site as I have made many friends from OS on there over the years before AP..

19-04-2012, 3:26am
I started on P4P but that has now closed down so now it's just AP. :th3:.

19-04-2012, 5:42am
I am only active on AP. It has everything I could need or want, and I don't see any reason to participate in multiple forums about the same thing.

One of the huge draw-cards of AP is the fact that it is Australian, and caters for relevant, local issues. In my experience it also lacks the obnoxious personalities found on other forums, especially those who think their country is the centre of the universe.

I am on Flickr, too, but don't tend to get involved with the discussion forums in groups beyond a few with local relevance, where meets/shoots are organised.

I'm active on only one other forum, which is dedicated to another of my hobbies.

I've been online for 19 years, but despite that I just don't want or need to be 'everywhere'. My philopophy is somewhat minimalist; find what's great and stick with that.

19-04-2012, 9:12am
It was recommended by a camera club member that I join the "dromedary" site but it does not compare favourably to here so I doubt if I will return - I chose option 1 for the poll. I also agree with Xenedis' second paragraph although there are still some "nice people" in the country he inferred.

Duane Pipe
19-04-2012, 9:27am
Just this one:th3: I regularly post to one other forum "Aus Bonsai"

19-04-2012, 10:11am
Just this one:th3: I regularly post to one other forum "Aus Bonsai"

well i will be damned, a aussie Bonsai forum, thats awesome, just signed up to it.

I must say the results of this poll are a little surprising at this point, anyone who does frequent the 3 bigger Australian based photography forums (Ausphotography, Australian Photoholics and Australian Photography) would be very aware of the significant crossover between the three, I find when browsing these on a daily basis it can be a chore to pick out individual content to look at and provide feedback, i personally try and only comment and provide feedback on unique content where possible.

There is also some smaller aus based photography forums dlsrusers, digitalslr and a nature/wildlife one that escapes me atm.

There is also google+ which is a great avenue to view, comment and network with other photographers, from real pros O/S to local hobbyists in your town.

As Xenedis mentioned Flickr is also a good community, however it certainly has a different flavour to that of forums, the seascapers, northernbeaches etc groups are great communities, there is also lots of crossover between these flickr groups and the big Aus photography forums.

the world is much bigger than Ausphotography ;) it is another cog in a much bigger social network.

19-04-2012, 2:26pm
I belong to 4 photography Forums. I am only active on here - the best one!!!
I also belong to a couple of woodwork forums.

19-04-2012, 2:30pm
i am a member of 2 forums, but just the one photography forum. the other is a species specific fish forum which is also very helpful

Duane Pipe
19-04-2012, 5:06pm
[QUOTE=gerry;1009767]well i will be damned, a aussie Bonsai forum, thats awesome, just signed up to it.

Its a good forum Gerry. They have a section on Natives with some good advice and some great examples :th3:

I would show the link But you need to register to view the Bonsai images..

20-04-2012, 8:21am
I started on P4P but that has now closed down so now it's just AP. :th3:.

For info, P4P closed..for 5 weeks, and is now back online!

(posted to ensure accuracy)

I @ M
20-04-2012, 8:28am
There are OTHER photography forums? :confused013

Surely you jest! :lol:

There two actually. :eek:

20-04-2012, 12:34pm
For info, P4P closed..for 5 weeks, and is now back online!

(posted to ensure accuracy)

Thanks for that Rick I hadn't received Peters email because of my change of email address over that period.
Ps It's good to see it up and running again.

21-04-2012, 8:04pm
I would consider looking at others ... IF ... I wasn't finding everything I need right here. So far I haven't had to even look to see if there even are others.
Not sure anyone has considered the one thing that really helps with a local forum - the fact that there's a chance you've actually seen the real thing that is in the photo that someone posts. It is much easier to work out if it's a good photo if you know what the real thing looks like.

I am however on about a dozen other forums - just none of them are photography related. They're all 4wd related. But many do have sections dedicated to photography.

22-04-2012, 9:08am
I post on two, but one is boudoir-specific.

Used to be part of another but that died a slow and agonising death. And it was expensive.

22-04-2012, 9:09pm
Nice thread

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk 2

Mark L
22-04-2012, 9:30pm
Nice thread

Sent from my HTC Incredible S using Tapatalk 2

Nice post.
Sent from my Toshiba laptop using two fingers. :)

28-04-2012, 4:41pm
I regularly consult a number of photography forums in order to keep abreast of developments in equipment and processing software.
However, I am only an active participant in this one. Even though I only post occasionally I enjoy the versatility of this site and the
fact that it is Australian. It provides opportunities for photographers at all skill levels to gain insights; share knowledge; receive advice; have their photos
comprehensively and fairly critiqued as well as enter graded competitions.

29-04-2012, 12:22am
I currently post in 1 other photography forum and have since I was looking at purchasing a Canon 300D. I joined this site to expand my local links but the GFC has really curtailed my photography and thus my participation here has been minimal.

29-04-2012, 3:39pm
I belong to three photography forums but haven't really been active in any of them as I hardly took any photos last year because I became disillusioned with my photos compared to others.

I decided that it's time to get back into the swing and not become bothered by those who I deem are better than me. So, hopefully, I want to call this place home for me and my photo interests :)

Mark L
29-04-2012, 9:23pm
I decided that it's time to get back into the swing and not become bothered by those who I deem are better than me. So, hopefully, I want to call this place home for me and my photo interests :)

Sounds like you've given yourself some good advise there Sandra. :)
There's plenty better than me, but I like a lot of photos I've taken, because I've taken them. Though I've also found delete useful. :)

29-04-2012, 9:36pm
I browse plenty ... Cameraenthusiast, Pentax Forums, flickr, DPR, to name only a few. This is the only one I "post" on, regularly or otherwise. One forum properly supported is enough for me to handle, but I do like to read more broadly. :)