View Full Version : could you / how to do this

06-04-2012, 1:41pm
I dont no if this is the correct place to put this thred so if its not could a mod please move it.

I just whent on holidays from TAFE and when we go back there will be a visit from the BIG bosses of TAFE NSW and we have to put on a show so since im the only photographer in my class i have to take photos for the presontation of the town so i have the next 2 weeks to take 70+ photos and edit them all for a high standed to impress the bosses ill upload a list on the locations i need to do so do you think you could do it?? i think ill be pushing it lol.

BTW 1 i dont have a car and i have to walk every-wear with my gear 2 then tows of about (estamating) 40 squear km.

06-04-2012, 1:47pm
on the bus young man

How would we know though seriously ? I would have no idea where you live or how easy it is for you to get around to all these places - thats what you are going to have to work out.

The photography side should be easy enough as well as the processing - just keep it simple

06-04-2012, 1:55pm
on the bus young man

How would we know though seriously ? I would have no idea where you live or how easy it is for you to get around to all these places - thats what you are going to have to work out.

The photography side should be easy enough as well as the processing - just keep it simple

no bus's here lol well its about 5km from pho a photo on one side of town to the photo on the other side of town lol

06-04-2012, 2:23pm
planning, do all the ones in one area before moving on to the next, take numerous shots of the subjects/objects from a variety of angles and exposures so you shouldn't have to revisit any. Friend with car ?
good luck

06-04-2012, 2:31pm
The best idea is to go out and give it a go. If there is an overcast day you will have less shadows, otherwise it might be better near the middle of the day. If you want ideas perhaps check outthe architectural section. Probably try to keep the main subject isolated. Try not to get too many cars or power lines in the photo (often this can't be helped). Once you have taken some of the photos post a couple and someone will often give you some help.

Just give it your best try.


06-04-2012, 2:49pm
So much for your "holiday" (although much more fun than studying or writing essays). If you have access to a bicycle and a remote shutter release you could strap the camera to your helmet and ride around taking shots "google street" style. :) Oh, you wanted a serious answer?...

I'd prioritise the list based on "must have" shots and "nice to have" shots. Then like dbax said break them into groups within the same area. You might also like to break down the list based on the best time of day to shoot the subject (if you know) so you might have a early morning group, an evening group and a group where the time of day won't really matter. Process as you go so you don't end up with a heap of PP at the end.

Good luck....

06-04-2012, 2:58pm
take photos of your pc with google street view doing the work ??

Duane Pipe
06-04-2012, 3:39pm
take photos of your pc with google street view doing the work ??

:lol::lol::lol: Funny Darren

Mark L
06-04-2012, 9:37pm
Some good advise above.
What about the race track and Rural Fire Service? The cemetery and silos?:D

..... and we have to put on a show so since im the only photographer in my class i have to take photos for the presontation of the town ......

What exactly do you need to do?
Do you need all the things you have mentioned?
If you step back a little you could probably get the Post Office, Police Station and Court House in one photo.
A little imagination and you might be able to get the river and pool in one photo.
The Comm. Bank and Museum are pretty close to each other. Get the idea.
What about the expansive outback images around?:D
The bicycle sounds good.

07-04-2012, 6:16am
Good luck, I know Coonamble well and it will be a bit of walking! just be thankful they didn't ask you to go to Quambone as well. lol

07-04-2012, 8:22am
G'day Jim

Part of any solution to any issue is "asking for your 100%"

You have started by telling us your 'problem' - and while we can offer thoughts on the 'solution', I feel that the solution is closer to home
I would suggest that you make it a team effort - ask for help / rope in one of your colleagues / class mates / family
I can see your results via selective times-of-day images > think outside to box > do some shooting after dark using street lights; do some before breakfast using early morning light with its great long shadows. The 'but' is that you can't easily do it by yourself - so ask for your 100% from those around you

You'll do it I'm sure, and your rep as a damn-good-photographer will rise as well
Regards, Phil

07-04-2012, 10:35am
I'm with Phil,
This was not your idea and the responsibility has been placed solely at your feet! I find that very presumptuous of your class (I am imagining just a class as I would hate to think the TAFE staff have burdened you with this task for the whole community :eek:)
Also did you raise your hand for this or did everyone just assume you would do it?

If you volunteered.........well, lol you may have bitten off more than you can chew.
Definately enlist the help of others, particularly to get around..............and keep in mind that the world wont end if this doesnt go according to plan!
Plus this isnt a 'photography class' from what I can gather if you are the only photographer...............so relax a little on the expectations of a 'HIGH' standard.

The TAFE bosses just want to see where the dollars are being spent.

Enjoy it, have fun with it and please dont stress about it!

08-04-2012, 10:11am
I'm with Phil,
This was not your idea and the responsibility has been placed solely at your feet! I find that very presumptuous of your class (I am imagining just a class as I would hate to think the TAFE staff have burdened you with this task for the whole community :eek:)
Also did you raise your hand for this or did everyone just assume you would do it?

If you volunteered.........well, lol you may have bitten off more than you can chew.
Definately enlist the help of others, particularly to get around..............and keep in mind that the world wont end if this doesnt go according to plan!
Plus this isnt a 'photography class' from what I can gather if you are the only photographer...............so relax a little on the expectations of a 'HIGH' standard.

The TAFE bosses just want to see where the dollars are being spent.

Enjoy it, have fun with it and please dont stress about it!

Thanks all for you posts iv alredy taken some photos lastnight but it will take alot of pp lol ehhh yello strett lights.

i did put my hand up but she never mentiond it would be praticly the hole town!

i have a friend who got her camera the otherday ill ask her to help out.

its always wear the money is being spent lol...

im sure ill work it out in the end :) :)

08-04-2012, 10:23am
lol..............keep you out of trouble for a little while anyway :D

08-04-2012, 10:25am
PS............thats the trouble with volunteering, some people will take full advantage of it and go for the million dollar shoot, for the 5cent account.
Just do what you can and get as much enjoyment as possible out of it, hopefully you get really nice days :th3:

08-04-2012, 11:41am
1 down so many moree to go lol

heres one of the local pubs

08-04-2012, 5:35pm
I have sunk a few in there over the years.

Mark L
08-04-2012, 6:59pm
Think it used to be called The Club House. mmmmmm :beer_mug: