View Full Version : OMG! What is a girl to choose???

30-03-2012, 3:58pm
It's my ten year wedding anniversary today:efelant: and hubby has blown me away by telling me that I can have a substantial piece of jewellery or.......a new 5D mark lll! :efelant: What is a girl to choose? I currently have a 7d which I don't feel I have got to know well enough yet!! But a full frame ....hmmmm but then again some bling!!!

30-03-2012, 4:00pm
I'm the wrong gender to advise BUT I'd choose the gift that keeps on giving! :D

30-03-2012, 4:01pm
Sounds like he's spoiling you....I'd be careful if I was you LOL...

30-03-2012, 4:37pm
If that's your photo in your avatar, you don't need jewellery! :)

30-03-2012, 4:37pm
Maybe ask on facebook? I am sure here will say camera and your FB friends will say bling! Then it's up to you to decide.

Take the camera!:D

30-03-2012, 4:42pm
Camera :D

I @ M
30-03-2012, 4:47pm
have a substantial piece of jewellery or.......a new 5D mark lll!

Camera :D

Win win all round I reckon.
Forget the Canon, hang out for a new Nikon D800 and use the change for a lesser bit of bling paid for by the savings in camera price and doubly rewarded by the image quality.

Plus, your facebook friends will love both outcomes. :D

30-03-2012, 5:38pm
No contest, what's there to think about! :confused013

30-03-2012, 6:11pm
Keep the 7D, they are a good camera, and buy a nice bit of GLASS in the form of a LENS.
A lens will out live a camera body. :)

30-03-2012, 6:32pm
As great as a Canon EOS 5D-series camera is (I've owned them since 2006), I'd have to agree with Darey.

Cameras will come and go, but great glass will last a lifetime.

30-03-2012, 8:20pm
In ten years time the camera will be worth a fraction of it's current value, but depending on the jewelry he gets, in ten years time it will be worth ...
Ah, to hell with finances, go with your heart.

30-03-2012, 8:41pm
You know he's offering the 5d3 so he can have the 7d, right? :P

Do what makes you happy, I reckon. And if you cant decide, get both :th3:

Mark L
30-03-2012, 8:49pm
It depends on how great you 5D mark lll envy is.
Envy, dark green, then you can sell your 7D and get some fake jewellery.
Envy, mild lime, then good glass would pass as jewellery to me. :confused013

Mark L
30-03-2012, 8:51pm
By the way, happy anniversary. :th3::th3::th3:

30-03-2012, 10:25pm
Jeez, I walked into a jewellery shop with my hubby and looked at some diamonds and they said um $4000 I think, I looked at my hubby and said I would prefer camera gear :) and walked out, but that's me. I agree that jewellery is probably worth more and something to pass on to your family.

30-03-2012, 11:30pm
mark III of course :)

31-03-2012, 7:13am

Sure, Jewellery can be passed on in your family, but will probably be sold...

Go the camera, then create memories.. priceless. And say the one you need comes with the f/2.8 70-200 :devil32: (a fast zoom looks like what is missing from your kit)

But what a great dilemma to have!

Out of interest, what have you offered him?

31-03-2012, 7:20am

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Steve Axford
31-03-2012, 7:53am
Jewellery will be worth 1/4 of what you paid for it as soon as you walk out of the shop. The camera will be worth next to nothing in 10 years. If you want an investment - neither are good. So you are left with - what would you like to have?

31-03-2012, 9:00am
Good Glass is a must. Get two (+) nice L Bits for 4G..

31-03-2012, 9:39am
If he wants the 7D then get another 7D and a 70-200 2.8 to go with it.

31-03-2012, 10:22am
I'd be saying lenses too lol.............lens lens lens lens
Ahh jewellery shmoolery, who needs it!

Happy Anniversary

31-03-2012, 10:33am
Happy Anniversary :love0: whatever you decide.

31-03-2012, 2:35pm
Easy!! 5DMkIII around your neck = BLING!! No contest!!

31-03-2012, 7:43pm
EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM | EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM

31-03-2012, 11:20pm
Lenses? Diamonds? They're the same really...It's all about the refraction of light.

01-04-2012, 8:40am
Hi everyone thanks for all your comments and Anniversary wishes!! I've had fun reading them:lol: and I'm still not really any closer to a decision! Buuut I'm now i'm starting to think some nice L glass.....:D

21-04-2012, 6:25pm
And you chose ???