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View Full Version : "Bad weather equals good photos" echoed by National Geographic Photographer

13-03-2012, 11:56am
On a rainy camping/photography trip, I heard one of the other photography enthusiasts quip that "Bad weather equals good photos"
It appears that that sentiment is echoed by others.
Here's a quick tips & tricks page at the National Geographic by Jim Richardson, on how to get the best out of wet weather photography.
I found some of it quite interesting. Especially on the use of flash, which I was told was normally a no-no in the rain, but apparently not necessarily so if you do it right.


13-03-2012, 1:50pm
I was just saying that to some one today.


13-03-2012, 5:33pm
I've heard another similar quote form a Nat Geo photographer / editor.

"the really strong photos come from those situations where the last thing you want to do is take a picture. When everything is going to hell, when the storms are raging and everyone is trying to hang on. Those are going to be the most telling images." - Nat Geo Editor, Kent Kobersteen