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- Is That Image Worth Your Life?
- Members Websites
- Book Reviews
- The "Whoo! I just got new gear!" thread
- Photographic Humour - Jokes
- Copyright / Photographers Rights
- How to deal with Police when out photographing (& Photographers Rights)
- Camera Clubs
- eBay Experience
- Who has insurance for their camera gear?
- Are you an EVIL Photographer?
- Canon Photo5 : Interesting look at the results
- Unofficial Forum Etiquette
- eglobal digital camera's
- stolen/borrowed pics ?
- Go O'L Grey Market Debate.
- CC required please.
- My impression of
- Moran contemporary photographic prize 2011
- Large Canvas Print - Scoopon
- Can some one help with old rustic locations around Geelong.
- How did you learn to post process your photos?
- The new wedding guest
- What do you photograph and why?
- Looking for photo locations at Lake Macquarie
- 150 unmissable photography sites
- Canon is buying Nikon!!
- Bill Henson ... again
- Doco on RIGHT NOW on SBS called Stripped NAKED SERIES :)
- Where do you find the time?
- Looking for gnarly trees around Brisbane
- WOW.. I got published
- New to Melbourne, where to go?
- Must take photoraphic opportunities in Perth
- Info for all Sydneysiders
- The day David Bailey didn't blow up: art is b*%#@ ... and other lessons of life
- Does cross forum posting dilute the local photography community?
- Camera Courses
- School photos photochopped without permission
- Awesome video on Ansel Adams, with his son, in his house/darkroom
- Mount Wilson, Sydney NSW
- TV interview with Tony Mott
- Who uses a tablet ?
- Photoshop; Darkroom Style.
- Want to see some Pro level photographic judging?
- Software Organizer Categories Keywords
- 1st family shoot
- Photographer's block
- Congratulations Longshots!
- sitting at home waiting for the police
- PMA Australia - Sydney - 25-26 June, 2011
- Ironfest, Lithgow
- Daguerreotype Process
- Colour or Black and White?
- Autumn in the Blue Mountains
- Wildlife photography online video series
- New Tripod Suggestions Appreciated Please
- OCF, or OCF?
- What a waste of time.
- Any good books for Elements and LR??
- Amazing time lapse video of El Teide - Spain's tallest mountain
- Is it Art? or Porn? Censorship
- Canon losing 30% sales to grey market
- guess what!?
- Best spots around sydney harbour
- Does Anyone Smell a Rat?
- Observation deck photography
- Exhibition - Eikoh Hosoe- Art Gallery of NSW
- Colour IQ Test
- Is this a reasonable price for a class?
- ND Filters
- EF 16-35 f/2.8L V EF 17-40 f/4.0L
- PSQ 2011
- Can i now officially say i'm a photographer???
- travel advice needed
- A little tiny win but it felt good.
- Not A Time For Flash ?
- Lightroom 3 Price & Availability
- Need advice about Adelaide Botanic Gardens
- Memory cards
- Gawd I love this digital age!
- Printing your images
- What song reminds you the most of your growing up years (The Teens)
- Unique Oppurtunity - Photography exhibition in Bendigo
- Light Painting
- Struggle with lighting... would learning take photos in B/W help?
- Why Ansel Adams Would Love Photoshop
- Concert Photography Tips
- How to photograph shipwrecks - free talks
- Wills & Kate - Photo opportunities
- Camera photo styles
- Glasses for viewfinder Bifocals don't really cut it.
- The Stolen Scream - A story about Noam Galai
- Need help..... lost pics
- *Happy dance WOOT WOOT*
- Whats the deal with Grad ND's being out of stock everywhere
- Do You Consider Yourself To Be A Photogholic ? Poll.
- Photoshoot: Behind the Scenes video
- Stolen Camera Finder
- Does your SLR do Video?
- Largest ever panorama of the night sky: 5000MP
- Price of 5D2
- Seagate has achieved 1tb per platter on hard drives
- Photography.......your legacy for the future.
- women s league tag
- Copyright vs. Copyright License..?
- Cooper the Photography Cat!
- Amazing long exposure
- What makes a great photo ?
- Dry cabinets
- DA vs RB vs others
- Greece Travel Tips ?
- The World's Biggest Photograph
- *sighs* well... I tried!
- What are the different types of people photography?
- Taiwan
- Photo labs / Printers
- Sydney Imaging & entertainment expo
- Having a holiday
- How fussy are you about your articles?
- Your thoughts on orb balls
- Does anyone in Brisbane area do presentations to Camera Clubs?
- Critiquing the 2010 Moran Prize Winner in Contemporary Photography
- Planetary Conjunctions to end May
- Storage and Backups of image ideas?
- A little win for me
- Your own favourite photograph.
- Little bit of pride, Epson Pano Awards 2011
- Sydney's Northern Beaches... just out of curiosity.
- What are your favourite/interesting/quirky Photographer's websites? ie Webdesign & layout
- If you could only have one lens?
- What does photography mean to you?
- Very interesting
- Saving images for online????????????
- Does Your Personality Show Through In Your Photos ?
- Operation Photo Rescue
- Why choose photography? Bloody expensive hobby isn't it?
- Did anybody else receive this email
- Baby photos and flash
- Storm Chasing Blog
- Full-on, then nothing. Then full-on again....
- Recent P-H-O-T-Obook experience
- The best I am gonna get
- Competition for 60D kit
- What's at the top of your wish list?
- 5000 megapixel, 37000 expose image of our sky
- "A Tutorial Screen Grab"
- resizing panorama probs?
- Photoshop resize
- The anatomy of how a wedding shoot turns into a train wreck.
- Photo paper
- What photo editing software do you use regularly?
- online printer suggestions?
- What's your favourite music to listen to when doing photography???
- Trouble voting.
- Aurora Australia animation with 5d mkii camera and 15mm fisheye
- Should exif data be displayed with photo
- That's it, I'm moving to Norway !
- Willow Court / Royal Derwent TAS
- Use of a gaming mouse for lightroom
- SALA festival 2011
- First Competition
- My New Rating System.
- Help with study,understanding tech issues,help with starting out with new camera etc etc etc....
- magazines
- Which one should I get.
- To Keep or Not To Keep
- Courses
- Studio photography: Strobes vs continuous lights
- Uniforms and cameras in public
- ZAZZ - good prices of SDHC card today (Tues 7th June 2011)
- Press Photos of the most recent Volcanic Eruption in Chile
- comfort advice for my lenses & accessories
- Kerbside Creative Collection!
- Traveling with a Tripod
- Congratulations Analog6
- What do you do with the pictures you take?
- Girlfriend trashes guy’s lenses in angry rage! (DigitalRev)
- Don't be BORING!
- An Unexpected publication??
- Cheap Chips special of the day.
- graveyard etiquette
- Going on a holiday soon.
- SD prices - maybe a bit late to ask.
- "Volcanic Ash in Tasmania"
- Colour of vintage photos
- Photographers need to be fit - how do you keep fit
- Where to shoot nice countryside?
- We may have missed the boat on this offer.
- Colin Filter and adaptor supplies
- Phuket
- The most aweful noise in the world ..., I am having a Cry ... Camera not happy !!
- Upcoming Lunar Eclipses - AM 16 June (TOMORROW) and 10-11 DECEMBER
- Help - forget the name of the application.... "Photographer's ???"
- They Call Themselves a PHOTOGRAPHER!!!!
- LensAlign® or DIY alternative?
- Anyone going to the PMA show at Darling Harbour on the weekend?
- How do you find inspiration?
- Photo hosting sites - Terms of Service
- Please help me to choice a light meter
- Are photographers destined to be 'unknown'
- "Mud and Dirt"
- I broke my own rule - apparently
- Stereo photography
- Long Lenses
- AIPP : Canon Australian Professional Photographers Awards (APPA) : Live streaming
- A link to some outstanding images
- Another one that I missed out on !!!!
- Dear Photograph.....
- nearly got ripped off -Canon 24-70 2.8
- A question for the learned
- Embarking on the journey to taking portraits
- OUT Of Interest - Live View and Histogram
- Cambridge in Colour (Digital Photo Retos)
- The 'new' Australian consumer law as of January 2011
- Getting my photo printed - Is it possible? - Photo added
- Local Govt Comp - Tas
- PMA Sydney
- Insuring your gear
- Serious competitions: Am I good enough?
- Art to be classified like films? What affect on photography??
- The Light Scythe
- Just a question
- "Dark" on printing
- A heartfelt Thank You
- Finding a new body for 2 old Leica R lenses ...
- Lytro. Shooting redefined
- WooHoo - Published Again
- A photo journalist that earned his pay today.
- controlling DOF in Macro
- Obvious to You, Amazing to Others
- Capturing Sport from all angles
- Are we Over-Saturated?
- Tall Grass Locations...?
- Need help on MT-24EX on Canon 100mm f/2.8L IS
- Help needed in getting a second body.
- Composition: Conscious Thought or Natural Tendency?
- When photography means running for your life.
- looking for advice, tips or a possible smack around the ear......a 'glamor' shoot
- Fast memory cards
- Anyone doing the 1440 Challenge next week?
- Sydney antics
- Still having photos from the 2010 Bathurst 1000 published.
- Are you a sport & event photographer ? Join SEPA
- Watch a model (Kate Moss) work it for the camera
- Voices Behind the Camera; Conservationism
- Digging up a Nikon FM2...
- Monster Croc
- Lens mount for your Iphone 4
- files
- i7 vs i5 processor advice
- The ultimate automated photographic studio.
- Travelling with gear
- Calling all Tasmanians...advice please!
- Do you have a signature?
- Cooler Weather Shooting, what do I need to know?
- curiosity killed the cat
- iPhone lens adaptor. Oh yes, they did it.
- Image Selection for Competitions ?
- Why don't you post any (more) pictures ?
- The Guy Gowan Experience
- Bargain 3D camera/video
- Maroochydore sunrise locations?
- Ethics & Morality in Photography
- Slide scanners
- "Fuji Pearl"
- An expensive chess set
- Stolen gear registry
- Do serious movie cameras have continuously variable diaphragms?
- Testing public photography
- Correcting Colour Casts in Photoshop
- Hypothetical #1 - inheritance
- To shoot or not to shoot...
- Muscle Cars - Gold Coast Sunday 31 July 2011
- "Which Photo for Comp"
- AIPP The Event
- Hampstead Centre Exhibition
- Why am I restricted out
- Behind the Scenes Video: for the magazine I shot
- Apple or pc ?
- Bought a Hard Drive from ALDI? It comes with a free virus!
- Home studio cyclorama construction made easy.
- So you like to print your photos. How about printing them in 3D?
- looking for place go - Victoria
- copyright gone wrong!(and mad)
- Sydney - Melbourne Coastal Drive and GOR - What are the must see places?
- I Got Streetviewed
- Republishing without breaching copyright
- Disaster.
- What have you learnt from AP?
- Australian War Memorial-Canberra
- Trying to shoot toy models
- Just a little question for intermediate and advance photograpers
- The future of your post processing computer?
- Heck of a way to take a self portrait!
- Where will it end?
- Positive Film Developed ?
- Taking Instant Photos to the extreme
- Any Members Shoot 4x5 Transparencies
- Home printing
- Poll: Is that photoshopped?
- Restoration of Faith in Local Market
- I have taken the plunge
- photo "safari" trips
- Adobe Lightroom 3 Educational (ID Required) ?
- National Geographic : Kermode Bear
- Want a Canon/Nikon thermal mug? Today only!
- Architectural terminology
- How do you know what filter/strength to use for a sunrise shoot?
- I'm going to the Ballandean area
- DigitalRev shop
- Stop motion video clip
- Where to buy Diffuser Umbrella in Sydney
- Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photowalk - Geelong... any interest?
- Surprising facts, film is digital and your DSLR is analogue
- Australian Geographic 27 Panos
- Tineye for firefox
- Canon Photo5 2011 is nearly upon us
- looking to do a coruse
- Observe a minutes silence.... or not
- Not really about a meet but
- Hammo...Here I Come!
- You are not a photographer.
- Who do you trust to keep your images safe?
- Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Man, The Image & The World - In Brisbane
- Mobius - Cool Stop Motion in Melbourne
- Firefox 6 ... Any known gliches.
- Weird Dslr spotted ?? ROFL
- Crick here ?????
- Shooting with the flash facing backwards...
- 2TB Seagate HardDrive $79.00 tonight only
- Full week of photography - now Im back
- Deciding to do what you do
- Lens Pen for Sensor
- World Photography day today!
- Help needed to find a night/star pic on here, somewhere?
- Grandma and the Ghost Photo!
- Competition News
- Want to win Adobe Creative Suite CS5?
- Somtimes overlooked benefit of TC's
- The Genius of Photography
- comp - Take a picture with your mobile!?
- Safer railways for safer communities - Rail Safety Week
- A different way of getting Published
- Printing Photo Books
- Making a CD - Help
- a conscious vote
- local show conudrum
- Fancy an 8 x 10 inch digital back?
- Photographer synonyms
- I've agreed to something I'm not sure I can do...
- Ballarat International Foto Biennale
- Melbourne Laneway Photography - HELP NEEDED ASAP!
- Congrats to Xenedis :)
- Featured on the cover of Australian Photography magazine (Sep, 2011)
- Nikon TC-20E III teleconverter
- Shooting Strret photography questions.
- Online prints in 3:1 in Syd?
- Perth National Photographic Competition
- School needs Advice/Help
- What print paper to use?
- Issues with Flickr Upload
- Birders and snakes in Perth
- Photos in the media that shouldn't have made the "cut".
- Skin brightness
- DIgital cameras for kids? Any advice?
- How to shoot flying / falling / splashing water
- Brand names caught in a photo ?
- When wll sensors match our eyes?
- Writing for Australian Photography Magazine
- photographing floating dusk
- National Portrait Compeitition
- No International warranty on Canon Lenses
- Momento shop featuring Iceland
- Camerapedia
- Results of Perth Royal Show entries
- BH online
- The Day Before September 11
- 10 Deadly Photoshop Sins
- Photos back up
- Cloud back up
- I had a little win
- Which lenses to take on holiday??
- Where do you want to go with your photography
- How is this achieved?
- The Photography Institue
- Wedding Photojournalist
- Your favourite Photography Gear Supplier/Suppliers??
- Minimum handheld shutter speed argument
- Has anyone got their Photo5 boxes yet?
- Storing Camera Gear away from Humidity/Damp
- I Cant Believe I Dropped It
- Picasa fail ...
- Digital B&W Photography
- Cartier-Bresson Heresy
- Spectacles wearers and photography
- Canon 7D Question - Built in noise reduction
- HEADSUP! The Bay to Birdwood Classic is coming. - South Australia Motoring
- ZAZZ : today only : Class 10 SD cards (Tues 20th Sept)
- Article on price gouging in local retail vs. Grey Imports etc
- An idea for a photo, but no idea how to capture it.
- Rained out, need undercover photoshoot location (the shire)
- Help please on uploading to forum
- Presets for LR - do you or don't you??
- Stolen lens
- You are NOT a photographer.
- Lightroom3 on Sale via Adobe Store $124 - BARGAIN
- I think I just sold my soul...
- Nikon PR nightmare
- Australian Photography Magazine (October 2011)
- There is often a good reason for "No Trespassing" signs
- R M Williams Outback Magazine.
- Do you think anyone cares about photographs ?
- HDR - What do you think?
- Is this "WEIRD"? Displaying my commercial photos at home
- So whats your favourite/best luck with/prefer to play with lens or focal length?
- Is Photography Fun
- When do Megapixels out resolve lenses?
- Kodak Hires Legal Adviser Amid Talk of Bankruptcy
- Fantastic World War 2 Photo Collection.
- Melbourne Printers from Negatives
- back from Greece today & back to work tomorrow for 2 weeks arghhhh
- Wildlife Photographs on DailyTelegraph
- Canvas Prints - Couple of Questions
- Photojournalism Behind The Scenes, A Critique of Conflict Photography
- The great camera shootout 2011
- printing large photos
- Wedding setup
- Storm approaching SEQ Sat 08 Oct 2011
- A Photography Competition
- A stunning (mostly macro) portfolio
- Adobe to let you "rent" downloads!
- Nikon sunk again
- Adobe to solve your blurry problems.....
- FATHER harassed by police & security guard under "anti-terror legislation" after taking pictures
- Tell me all is not lost. Help needed.
- Canon Photo 5
- UK Police : Father in anti-terrorism dispute with Mall, Security and Police
- Shootin' The Bigs (Baseball)
- Back it up !!!!!!!
- Small World: Nikon Photomicrography Competition
- Best time of the day for wedding shots
- Cut off at the ankles!!!! Why?
- What type of photography are you into and why?
- Photo shoot style
- "Sensor Cleaning the Eclipse way"
- good blinking
- 20 x Super Hornets Brisbane Flyover
- Photo manipulation funny
- Photography Course discussion thread
- A quick look inside an Intel FAB (Fabrication Factory)
- There is no Pink, only minus green
- 10 free ebooks
- Safe Work Week - 23rd to 29th October 2011 -- Safe Photography
- Adobe Trial Periods - how long?
- Photography screws with your head....
- Learn Studio Portrait Photography
- Photographing Masquerade Ball - advice / hints appreciated!
- 1975 book.....The beginners guide to photographing people by Ralph Hattersley
- Donate your Spider pictures to a good cause
- Its time to spend some money.....bugger!
- Google+
- Tasmania : A Visual Journey
- I am a professional Photographer
- When the amateur out does the venue's pro tog
- The professional photographers dilemma
- Question to the Sports Minded Togs
- Cheap (free) news images
- Available light vs. Flash
- Attachment for scanning Negatives and using automation with today's cameras
- F11 online magazine - article published
- The inventor of the CMOS sensor talks
- Stolen Canon Gear
- Time lapse - share yours!
- Recognise anyone in this photo
- zoom lens
- Ideas for Xmas Pressies
- Think your 3TB HDD is big? Seems common Salt can make it even bigger!
- My feature article in Australian Photography magazine (Nov, 2011)
- Bad news for my Pentax friends.
- Help!! I Need Inspiration!!
- This is how you do water-drop photography
- Home studio ideas?
- D7000 focusing?
- Lens warranties
- Wedding Video vs Photos
- What (kind of) photos would look great on a white border/wall?
- Worlds newest most expensive photo
- Shooting tethered....
- Is there an iPhone App will help me to find the direction of the north south celestial poles?
- Photographs od school kids for parents
- T&C's that SH!T me to tears!
- Lightroom 3.5 sale
- What video editor software?
- Abandoned buildings
- Tips to take pictures of fast moving dancing like martial art-Capoeira
- How to travel on the cheap for photography suggestions?
- Leica - photographic Schindler's List
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