I got the flipside 400 AW and I love it. My 4th bag and my last till it wears out as it is just want I need. I carry 3 flashs 2 x 430 EX II & 1 x 580 EX II, set of ND filters and holders, sigma 10-20mm, 14-105 and 70-200 f/4, 50D gripped. Set of plasic flash diffusers, plus so odds and ends in the front of bag such as remote timer controller and lens cleaning gear. Fair bit of gear but is extremely comfortable. Never had any queries taking on domestic flights. Hmm, no laptop model though.

My buddy has the Vertex 200 AW which I have used and it is also a great back and maybe a little more room than mine, also has notebook space. So why did I buy Flipside - a shed load cheaper :-)