Quote Originally Posted by Tom J McDonald View Post
If that's not what you're saying please clarify.

if you read the OP's original post, you would have read that he's already gifted her a P&S.
Why would she want another P&S .. she can grow with that one!

The thread is about cheap DSLR alternatives, and whether they are practical for a small child.

In some cases yes, in other cases no.
My (then) 8yo son never found the D70s to be unweildy or problematic in any way.
OTOH, my now 9yo daughter doesn't like it ... it's too big and heavy.

My son does the lego wars too, usually with the 105VR lens .. sometimes he wants to get into reveal all manner of detail.
My daughter takes happy snaps (and mainly video) of her bunny(pet rabbit) .. she then processes them on the camera itself .. stuff like heart shaped frames, and bunny ears!! yep bunny ears on a bunny!
ie. she's not interested in 'photography' as such and is as happy to capture bunny with her DSi, and do whacky processing to the 640x288 images.

My son is different again. He generally shoots with a purpose, and if something went wrong generally tries to fix it himself or asks how to fix it!

OH! and FWIW, a DSLR is a better tool to grow as a photographer anyhow.
No one ever said that photos can't be captured with a P&S nor that you can't learn photography with one.
But to expand the creativity of the operator, a DSLR is a better tool than a P&S ... but that's another story.
And that's not BS .. it's simply another perspective.