Quote Originally Posted by Bennymiata View Post
I have a SR variable ND filter and it is well made and works well.
As it is expensive, I read a number of reports about the cheaper variable ND's (hoping to save money), but most of the reports were only so-so but the reports of the SR were all very good, so I took the plunge.
B&H sell the SR and other brands, so check out the user reports there. They can be very enlightening.

I can't say I've used it extensively, but it really does work and doesn't reduce the IQ as far as I can see.
I use it mainly on my Tokina 11-16mm, but find that if using it at 11mm, if I turn the ring to it's maximum setting, I do get some serious vignetting, but going to 12-13mm, or backing it off a little, it is perfect.

I'm not 100% sure, but I have read that using this filter together with a CP filter is a bit of a no-no.

I went with the variable SR as I figured that if have to buy 3 or 4 different good quality ND filters, that the SR actually costs less and does the job well, and you only have to carry one filter instead of a set!
It is good to know that someone else is using the filter. I do have couple of ND filters the HOYA ND400 and the BW 110 but find that focusing and composition is very hard as I cannot see anything through them and just happened to sumble upon the variable ND and I know Singh Ray's quality is good for GND's and did some research on these filters cannot find any negative feedback I use 17mm on a full frame and I this there will be some vignetting but I think I can live with that