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Thread: 1D M11 ?

  1. #1
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    1D M11 ?

    Hi all,

    I would like to pose a dilema I have.

    Current setup, 1 x Canon 50D 1 x 70 - 200mm F2.8L 1 x 18 - 50mm F2.8 1 x 10 - 20mm F4 - F5.6, 1 x 1.4 Teleconvertor, genuine Grip, Flash and other filters and stuff.

    I tend to shot mainly landscape, but I am trying to build my skill level at Rugby Union, as my young sons play.

    I also started this year shooting the senior grades with some success, but with the APS-C body and the EF lens (70 - 200) I find it a touch long at the short end, if that makes sense. I have had lot's of people offer to buy my shots, so I would like to use this to my advantage. I will concentrate more on the Rugby in the next year +, and may-be branch out to more sports.

    I have an opportunity to grab a 1D Mk11, which I feel would work really well with the 70 - 200L, leaving me with the 50D and the short lens for close work (all sport shooting in mind here)

    Then, when the bank balance bounces back, grab the 24 - 105mm F4.

    Just wondering if my pondering is making sense. I was, as some will remember sold on the 300mm L Prime, I hired one and found on the APS-C body that it was very limited when trying to shoot close, the DOF was a mess, but at the longer distance work, it reveled in it. So I would love to hear/read some of your thoughts on the matter.

    Will the 1D Mk11 do what I wan't? is the AF (in servo modes) going to be quicker than my 50D when using the 70 - 200mm L? or should I look at another body series. The FPS is around 8ish from memory and the sensor is around 8 mp, my 50D is slightly slower at FPS, but larger sensor mp.

    Do I have "D MK" envy??

    Thanks in advance.

    PS, Darren, I wont be buying, as you put it, "Nikon goodness" Thanks mate.
    Last edited by Roosta; 17-10-2011 at 9:41pm.
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    well, from my personal experience using them for non sports work here - the 50D will reach a bit further than the 1D2, 1.66x sensor compared to 1.3x APS-H sensor.

    the advantages of the 1D2 is the better AF tracking and AI servo, but not by compared to the newer generation 1D bodies - 1D2 is from 2004 after all.....but the buffer is slightly better and some other minor advantages.

    personally, I would not waste my money on a 1D2 for your sports usage anymore, but save up a little bit more and get a 1D3 which is easily under 2k and newer, or even a 7D if you dont mind sticking with another APSC camera.

    or even a 1D2N model, bigger buffer and bigger 2.5 inch screen allows for much better review than the puny little 1.8 inch of the original 1D2!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by JM Tran View Post
    personally, I would not waste my money on a 1D2 for your sports usage anymore, but save up a little bit more and get a 1D3 which is easily under 2k

    or even a 1D2N model, bigger buffer and bigger 2.5 inch screen allows for much better review than the puny little 1.8 inch of the original 1D2!
    Thanks JM, this is the nuts and guts info I was looking for.
    Is the 1D2N that much better than the D2? just screen and buffering to card write speed??, and then, Is the 3 that much better again for said reasons? I understand the pixels is greater on the 3??

    You say 1D3 under 2K?? Is that right? I wouldn't have picked that, will have to look..


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    I think if you're finding the 70-200 too short you're not really shooting rugby properly, I mean I use a 400 on a full frame, so 300 equivalent on crop on u/6 soccer on a 1/4 field size. Most shots full frame with dof to kill for, anyhow youve seen my shots. I do sometimes use a 70-200 on a 2nd body for try time, even then I get most of those on the 400

    Maybe reassess why 70mm is too long first ?
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    [QUOTE=kiwi;930767Maybe reassess why 70mm is too long first ?[/QUOTE]

    Cheers mate, The kids stuff is ok short end, they, as you know, tend to be all together, and they play, for my boys anyway, before midmorning. So following the positioning tips you and Richard gave me, re sun to players, that's helped.

    But with the seniors, the structure of play, if I'm to close to the game on the side line, the 70 X 1.6 crop factor, won't allow me to get a good close shot. Position dependant of course. Other wise, I get the 300mm L and sit at more one end of the park, and take what I get I guess. Alot like the soccerr and cricket shots you produce, the senior soccer always looks great through the long lens, as to, the cricket. I guess the distance is a factor, and probally a big one I need to get happy with.

    Thanks mate.

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    Even on the sidelines most of "us" still run up and down with a big lens, just watch the rugby world cup

    Shoot torso or headshots if they are too close for full body - that just takes a lot of practice is all

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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwi View Post
    Even on the sidelines most of "us" still run up and down with a big lens, just watch the rugby world cup

    Shoot torso or headshots if they are too close for full body - that just takes a lot of practice is all
    fair point, shall try, Love to see you tho, running with the 400 hanging off the front...

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    Been there done that.
    Just do it.
    I had a 50D and sold that and got a 1DMk2N mainly for shooting Aussie Rules. I also have a 60D so keep a 10-22 or 17-50 on that for player pics before / after the game and half time huddles etc so I don't have to worry about changing lenses.
    The 1D2N is built like a tank and is a machine gun in comparison, shooting so quick. I find the focus is better / faster than the 50D and the IQ is marginally better. The use of both compact flash & SD cards either give you extra shooting time between card downloads or use one card as a backup of the other. You can feel & hear the quality when you use the 1D2N. Reviews put the 1D2N a better used choice than the 1D3 as that model had issues with focusing (or not focusing).
    Issues with 1D2N are less Mp so you can't crop as much as you can on the 50D and overcast / dark days. If you have to bump up the ISO, I wouldn't shoot over ISO800 with the 1D2N unless I had to as it shows its age here with noise starting to show. At lower ISO's I find it produces less noisy images than my current 60D at the same ISO.
    Non Gen Batteries are available on EBay as you will find the original ones won't be holding much charge by now. I bought 2 new ones and they last ages. The 1D2N is I feel, still a relevant camera worth looking at.
    I use a 200mm 2.8L prime with it and a 1.4X teleconvertor at times and find that works OK with it for footy. There are times when play comes right close to you that a 70-200 would be a better choice.
    The 1D2N has a larger screen and more buffer than the 1D2. It can also write JPEG to one card and RAW to the other or write simultaneously to both. All little improvements that are worthwhile over the 1D2. I would get a 1D2N if you can find one as going from the 50D the 1D2N screen seems small enough without going even smaller with the 1D2. If money is no object skip the Mk 3 and get a 1D4.
    Last edited by Old Skool; 17-10-2011 at 11:42pm. Reason: typo

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    Cheers Russell, Will look out for one, did you buy new or second hand? and if second hand, how much if you don't mind me asking. So far for sport, I've not needed to go over 500 ISO and about 1/2000 sec shot, so that shouldn't be a drama then.

    I wish about the money...

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    Bought 2nd hand about 6 months ago. Cost $800 but sold the 50D for a bit more so it was a cost neutral exercise.

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    Not all sports played in good light, I wish :-)

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    Time has passed by the mk2, there's no good reason to get one in the modern market. Like you say, maybe it's onedee envee

    The 7D looks tailor-made for what you are doing. 7D + 70-200 f2.8L = magic sports shooting. 50D on the deluxe standard zoom and you're set.

    Quality of results will grow as you do, not limited by the kit I think.

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    Very tasty - just buy the new 1D-X
    Sounds fantastic.

  14. #14
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    I recently offloaded my mk2, 8mp still produced nice images, & the img firing with multiple shots let's you get a few keepers & weed out the bad shots..I just neve flukes canon so moved on from it, it took nice clean images of my kids Aussie rules, shot with should get one for 500-600, fair bit cheaper than 7d
    Oly e500 zd14-54 zd70-300
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  15. #15
    Ausphotography Regular Brian500au's Avatar
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    I have owned the MKII, MKIIn and a MKIII. By far the MKIII is the better camera if not just for the ergonomics. The MKII is very two handed to change any settings on the fly, whereas the MKIII is very similiar in controls to the XXD style bodies.

    You also need a firewire connection to your computer to adjust any of the camera settings (user name etc) and this is something you need to consider. The battery is very old style too - the MKIII battery lasts twice the distance.

    The MKIII have dropped below the 2K mark now in Australia (secondhand) - so it is a bargain at the moment (and will continue to get cheaper in the future no doubt).

    1DxII, EOS R, 200-400 f4L Ext, 100-400 f4.5-5.6L II, 70-200 F4IS, 24-70 F2.8 II, 16-35 F4IS

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian500au View Post
    I have owned the MKII, MKIIn and a MKIII. By far the MKIII is the better camera if not just for the ergonomics. The MKII is very two handed to change any settings on the fly, whereas the MKIII is very similiar in controls to the XXD style bodies.

    You also need a firewire connection to your computer to adjust any of the camera settings (user name etc) and this is something you need to consider. The battery is very old style too - the MKIII battery lasts twice the distance.

    The MKIII have dropped below the 2K mark now in Australia (secondhand) - so it is a bargain at the moment (and will continue to get cheaper in the future no doubt).
    Thanks Brian, I've found a 1D3 and am in the process of working out a good price, they are letting me have it over the weekend, out with my mates on the road motorbikes, so I can check AF tracking and feel properly then.

    Cheers mate.

  17. #17
    Ausphotography Regular Brian500au's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roosta View Post
    Thanks Brian, I've found a 1D3 and am in the process of working out a good price, they are letting me have it over the weekend, out with my mates on the road motorbikes, so I can check AF tracking and feel properly then.

    Cheers mate.
    If you didn't have "D" envy before, I guarantee you will after the weekend - lets us know how you go.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian500au View Post
    If you didn't have "D" envy before, I guarantee you will after the weekend - lets us know how you go.
    Hi Mate, got the body last weekend, but good old Perth weather let me down. I had all the intentions of taking it out on Monday just gone when I wen't motorbiking with several mates, AF work out, but like I say, the weather.

    We have a Pro coming to Perth next week (Darren Jew) I will attend a day my local pro shop has put on (Canon day with Darren at Perth Zoo) they are bringing all top end goodies and the body I wan't to buy, so I will post some results after that. Can't wait.


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