Quote Originally Posted by ricktas View Post
First impression was. WOW so many settings! It lets me customise so much more. Took me a while to find all the settings etc and the manual was less than helpful. I found the net a good source of 'how to' stuff. it took me a good 4-5 hours of playing and googling to get my head around all the options. The iPhone is 'take out of the box and use it'.

But the Galaxy offers much more, and I can really appreciate the benefits now after a few days of use. I also found a lot of the Apps are free on Android, that you have to pay for on AppStore for the iPhone. Some are much cheaper. I use a good diary App, that in Itunes is over $20.00, but is under $8.00 on the Android Market.

The best thing I have installed is Juice Defender, which monitors system environment and stops apps running that do not need to be, to save battery power. I am up to day 3 since charging it and still have 63% battery left, with it turned on 24/7. Much better than the iPhone.

So, even though it took me a while to get my head around the Android OS, I like the ability to do more, with it, not being limited entirely to how Apple wanted me to use the phone. At this time, I have to say, for me, the Galaxy S2 runs rings round iPhone.
Awesome! Frankly speaking, without the jailbreak community and a jailbreak. I would drop iphone in a heartbeat. A jailbroken iPhone comes closer to Android in terms of configuablity for a power user and without it, IMO it'll like using a Symbian 40 nokia.