Quote Originally Posted by Scotty72 View Post
Apples and oranges The 100mm doesn't have a 'zooming ribbon' cause it doesn't zoom.

Having said that. I am one of those burnt (twice now) by the 24-105L's damned ribbon. Without this issue (actually, it is actually more about Canon's refusal to own the problem they MUST surely as day know about), I would have no hesitation in recommending this lens.

However: the issue has arisen; Canon is not owning the issue so, I have to say that I honestly couldn't recommend that lens to you.

So, maybe the 100L or the 24-70L.
Because you were not the only person with the issue, I am a little concerned. I love the sound of the 24-70 2.8 but it's so damn expensive. Is it any sharper than the 24-105 (other than the fact that it is in lower light) or just more reliable?