Quote Originally Posted by mikew09 View Post
I realy heavily on exif for my learning - I like to see which lens used, body type and settings. Trouble is, a number of photo hold sites like flickr tend to strip it out if you provide a link to it, well in my experience anyhows. So when you right clink on a photo that is a link from flickr, you don't get exif anyways - I find this frustrating and disappointing. However; I do agree that it is purely up to the individual on whether to include exif or not and I respect that - is nice to see though.
If you click on the photo and view it on Flickr, there is a message to the right that tells you when and where and what camera it was taken with. If you click on the camera type it will take you to a page with the exif and metadata that was attached to the image. It won't show however if the data was stripped before uploading to FLickr.