I still only use film, as photography is my passion not my job, I have my own little dark room that has a Durst 138 Labarator, and love developing my own B&W film, I still shoot colour film mainly Velvia on the 35mm, and the 120, and on the 4x5 and 5x7 I shoot Velvia and Provia and Ilford, I bought my wife a kx for her birthday, and had a go with it, but to me, there was no real excitment in using the digital, I would rather still have the curiousity of waiting to develop the film, and see our they turned out, and then holding a 5x7 neg up after your developed it, digital just cannot give you that amazement.

I just wonder how many people now, have actually taken a picture with film, or developed their own film?
