Quote Originally Posted by kiwi View Post
I can understand where you are coming from Fred, but what if you were a pro like me trying to sell photos to that same paper ? You are not alone though, heaps throw free stuff at papers, it's ruined the profession. Everyone should stop, maybe you could be the first ?
if a pro tog was at the same game..i can see your point...I can even see your point if they were not...but for us amateurs...to get your shot in a local rag would be a achievement many of us { me included } couldn't pass up ..


you could always run that one past the paper...say your not that comfortable in doing pro Togs out of a crust....so how about some coin....Id ask $150....aint got a clue if thats anywhere near the right amount...but id be chuffed with it ..you might even get a repeat gig with them