Thank you so much!!
I will definitely try all of above (except the external flashes as I don't have any yet) and will take the shot outdoors.

Thanks for the specific settings arthurking83 - it is exactly what I need at this stage after only using a dslr for a week:-)
Have installed the View NX2 but haven't even opened it yet, have felt a bit overwhelmed with learning about the f/stops, shutter speeds and ISO's. I have mainly been experimenting with the apertures, but I need to be brave and actually do something with some of the pics I have
The lens is the 55-300, came in a twin kit with the camera.

The lab is my first "project" and I am hoping to get a pic I can be proud enough to hang on the wall.

Thanks so much once again, I will post some pics very soon and look forward to feedback and advice. You guys are so helpful and it means a lot that you will take the time to help out newbies.