Hi Arthur,

First of all, thank you in taking the time to provide detailed feedbacks on each of my images.

I had a play on my D90 for d-lighting and filter effects and they were pretty cool. Going to transfer them into computer to better see the difference and post them later no one has ever told me to edit pictures on my D90!

I have downloaded NX2 and load image 5. I had a play with the straighten, d-lighting, shadow, sharpness but it wont let me play with the white balance.
The "0" section for the white balance is grey in color whereas the "0" in any other section are black in color.
Anyone knows how to activate the while balance section so I could have a play with it?

Also I have searched for CPL filter for my 35mm f1.8 52mm lens.
is this any good? its more pricey compared to others but if this is the only CPL I need, I dont mind it.
and anywhere else online/retail I can get a better deal than citiwide?
