Quote Originally Posted by pjs2 View Post
Just a quick question. I recently went to a good friends wedding and took my camera. Now I know that the paid pro tog has right of way in all areas but I had a hell of a time trying to get a photo. I waited till the pro set up for thier shot but as soon as they got the shot they jumped around and moved everybody before anybody else could click one off. I know the pro is working on a time limit and that they live or die on the quality of thier work, and now the question How do you think most pro togs react if I asked if I could sneak in after they obtained the shot they were after ? I only ask because it was a good friend and I really did not get any keepers for myself. Who would be best to talk to in this situation the pro at the beginning or try to arrange before the wedding with the b&g talking to the pro beforehand.
Some pro's will give you time to take your shots as well, others won't, as this thread shows. The trick is to work 'with' the Pro, when they are not giving other guests an opportunity to take some photos. Find a spot out of their way, usually behind them over one of their shoulders, but back far enough you are not interfering, and take your shots 'with' the Pro (but don't necessarily use flash, or you might raise their ire). If the wedding party start looking at you, rather than the paid pro, stop, the Pro wants them looking at his/her lens.

Timing is everything.

But the best thing you can do is firstly ask the bridge and groom if it is OK to take photos, before the big day, and introduce yourself to the Pro, as an avid amateur, and tell them you will not get in their way. Most Pro's respect that and may be more accommodating. If they respond negatively, then that is their choice, but at least you tried.