Jasevk - good advice, that you know I would agree and support

Can you please add a little more to your opinion based on what the OP has stated, that they intend to go full time, and they have also listed their website, so one assumes that want an opinion based on that.

I'm aware that I may appear negative, but its perhaps because I'm a little jaded from the large number of really enthusiastic, and sometimes extremely talented photographers, that I've encountered (and mentored at times), turn something that they enjoy into something that they need to earn a living from to support themselves and their family; and then see their enthusiasm wane, and their lives changed immeasurably in the worst possible way. My approach these days is to at the very least try and prepare people for what they are likely to encounter in the next year or so. At the very least, I would say that the very best advice is to stick with your present job if you have one and build up your part time photography business. Treat it like a business from the start with all the right things in place, and then once you have your skills, both photographically, and business skills at a stage where you can support yourself, then thats the time to make the transition to a full time arrangement.