Quote Originally Posted by peterb666 View Post
ECS prices seem to be very inconsistent. They have an idea of the 'value' and stick with it. Some stuff is super cheap and some stuff is stupid - like that D90 pricing when the they were selling the D90 body new for just $100 more after rebate.

They are also very reluctant to haggle - seeming to ignore that the markup on second-hand goods is quite high. I always come away from there with the feeling that they don't care if they make a sale or not.
Not having had any experience with ECS personally but knowing a couple of people that have bought gear through them I view your post with an element of amusement Peter.

Their doors are still open.
They offer service (quality apparently variable).
They have a large stock of expensive items on hand for you as a customer to view first hand.
They apparently operate in a business like manner that many people on this forum suggest that photographers adopt --- don't drop your prices to match cheap newcomers, maintain your quality and give good service.