I know I am not the best photograper out there...but I enjoy photography and just want to learn to become a better photogrpher.
I wasn't planning on charging $2000 or anything for the day, it was just a curious question as to what people do charge.

I know about all the back up gear and by next July, I am hoping to have upgraded from the 450D. I do have over a year to get that sort of stuff organised.

The people who want me to do the photography have seen my photos and know that I haven't been doing photography for the last 20 years, like the professional wedding photographers (seen I'm only 22 years old!!), but also aren't very keen on paying huge amounts of money for a photographer when they are trying to pay off a mortgage.

Also I know that it doesn't just end after the reception on the day. I know I will have lots of pictures to go through and edit. And I am prepared to do that.

Maybe I worded that first post a bit wrong and made it sound like I am going to charge full prices, but I'm not. Was just a curious question more than anything.

Sorry if it touched a raw nerve with anyone on here....