I've just started developing my own black and white and it's so much fun!
Film wise, i got 10 rolls of ERA PAN 100 35mm, and 10 rolls of shanghai GP3 100 120mm - both cheap off ebay.
Developing wise, I spent around $100 at Vanbar here in Melbourne (they do mail order too) and got a small Paterson tank with 2 rolls, 1lt R09 one shot, 1lt ilford stop bath, 1lt Ilford rapid fixer and some wetting agent, film clips etc.
I'm just winging it really, using the Massiv Dev Chart as a rough guide, not timing perfectly, not using a thermometer and not measuring the chemicals to the nth degree, but I'm loving what's coming out, and not putting too much pressure on myself means i can just enjoy it while i'm learning.
Just developed my second roll of the ERA using the stand method, and not as happy with the results as the agitate method, but I've still got some usable negs and a scanner to play around with.
I'm going to try pushing the next roll of 100 ERA film to 800 just to see what happens tomorrow..