Iy's not exactly IE's fault, Dave. It's really just one of those things that we call "progress". Internet connections are much faster than they used to be, web browsers have become vastly more competent than they once were - and actually got faster, which is quite astonishing in a world where software always gets bigger and slower and more complicated over time - look at Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, spreadsheets, or Windows itself for evidence of this.

So we have faster connections, more competent browsers, and significantly more complicated web pages that look better and work better but demand a lot more work from the browser. IE's fault? Well, yes. But then IE (no matter which version it says on the surface) is a very, very old browser. None of the other browsers which were around in the mid to late 1990s (when IE was designed) would be any good today either.

(Well, except for Opera, but Opera never did follow the normal rules about anything.)