AH! as for Klavs' image, it's certainly over processed.. that's for sure.. but if they allow black and white images captured with a color digital sensor.. surely that's even more 'over processed' (that was more to the point).

Sure....fill up a roll of Ilford, scan the images it and digitise them.. but to capture an image with a modern digital sensor and convert them to black and white is much more highly processed than any over use of saturation and contrast.

I reckon 80% of what Klavs did with them images could easily be done with the onboard processing power of his D700.

Try it!

set the camera to Neutral -3 contrast and -3 saturation and ADL set to On, and then capture the same image with the settings Vivid +3 Sat +3 Contrast and ADL to off.. see how much different the image turns out.

His other issue is the use of ACR, which doesn't recognise the Picture Control processing.. yeah? had he sent in the RAW image and altered the in camera settings via ViewNX to something much more contrasty and vivid.. he'd have been fine!
(hence the title.. Judgement Day... )

.. anyhow.. if my images appear overly contrasty and overly saturate(yeah, I know they do) don't blame me! Blame Nikon and their in camera PC settings

I'm not trying to open another CoW's (Can o Worms) with a debate as to how appropriate the (over)use of photoshop is... it's more about the guidelines used to define over processed.