Quote Originally Posted by arthurking83 View Post
It really looks as though the APS-C sensor seems to have reached a saturation point.
DPR's summary of the 50D was something along the lines that it can have worse quality compared to the 40D. Does that imply that 12 or 13 or 14Mp is the realistic limit for an APS-C sensor.
DPR's "review" of the 50D has been (quite correctly) howled down from right, left and centre. DPR is just plain wrong. See for yourself here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/for...ad.php?t=18890

The funny thing is, I agreed with your take on this until just after the 50D came out. I was certainly not impressed by the "improvement" that the 400D and then the 40D brought to the table in the wake of the (admittedly excellent) 20D/30D twins. On the whole, I generally prefer the images my 20D makes to those of the 40D, though there isn't a lot in it. (Why then did I buy two 40Ds? Because the image quality was about the same as the 20D and I wanted some of the other features it had, notably sensor cleaning. In any case, I'd promised to give my 400D to a family member and I had to replace it with something.)

But the 50D has changed my mind. It delivers significantly more detail than the 40D (or the 20D), so I was wrong. How much further crop cameras can go than the current high water mark of 15MP remains to be seen, but I thought they had hit the wall at 8MP, so who knows? I'll bet you a bottle of good red medicine that the D400 is 16.something MP, or maybe a little more than that, and produces beautiful images.