I still have my 30+ year old MX. Metal gears etc. never goes wrong, just don't use it anymore.

My 2.2 cents worth (inc GST)...

Film and digital are *different* mediums. There will always be a role for film but digital is so flexible.

FYI: The web (the internet is much older, dating back to the 60') is only 15 years old (official birthday is 30th April 1993 - CERN put the http protocol in the public domain, there were 200 web servers active on that day).

We are in the middle of a revolution that will continue rapid evolution for 20+ years. What will digital photography look like in 2028? I have no idea other than it will not be like today or 10 years ago.

Film technology will not change anywhere near as much. Film will still be used in 2028 for certain purposes.