Quote Originally Posted by jamesmartin View Post
Ill give it ago with adobe. So what color control software do you use?
Color Control Point .. or 'U-point' tech.

See DxO's website for the plug in.
As far as I remember it's quite expensive for the plugin, and I don't think many folks appreciate how well and easy it is to use.

Like I said, it's an editing process that may be 'to taste' .. but once you've learned it, it's really the simplest way to spot edit.

You can try DxO's free trial, and I think they have a plug in for Adobe, and their own raw editor program as well .. maybe about $200-ish all up for this Nik collection thingy .. not really sure.
I got their DxO raw editor software .. works well, but still not as well (for me) as Nikon's own software.
So I kind'a stopped using DxO's PhotoLab as Nikon's CaptureNX-D finally added the ability to use Color Control Point editing(they've had this editing process since about 2007 or so, and stopped it when they stopped supporting their old software).

Anyhow, check out the link above to DxO and it kind'a shows you how it works.

I'd post some screen shots, ro even a small how to video, but the issue is that the actual CCP editing tools don't show up in either a screen grab, or a video capture.

Note tho, if you've never used this editing process, it can start off a little confusing, but once you've understood how it works(more importantly what it actually does!) .. and you need to do this type of spot editing regularly you'll end up wondering how you managed without it.
There are some tips to using it fully effectively too.