Quote Originally Posted by ricktas View Post
My thoughts on this are two.

1) phone cameras are taking over for a lot of people.
2) Camera development has slowed. We are seeing new models, with the same sensor as the previous model (and other aspects of design), but with other minor tinkering improvements. People are not upgrading because they do not see the newer models as an upgrade.
That's it in a nutshell, Rick. All I ever see now are phone cameras and only the die heard DSLR/Mirrorless users generally with pro spec cameras. Less and less lower spec DSLR's and P&S's to the point I rarely see any! It was the P&S and lower spec DSLR's that were the big sellers years ago and that part of the market seems to have basically disappeared. Also, as you say, there is less reason for people to "upgrade" as their current DSLR which they may have purchased back in the "heyday" of digital camera sales as for most people it is probably more camera then they will probably ever need any way. The thing is, *everyone* has a phone with them these days with their camera phone and thus many of us, even me, tend to leave their "proper camera" at home if it is not a specific camera shoot. It's just easier to take your phone and capture that moment when it occurs as you always have it with you. Camera phones are reasonably good in most situations for most people and it's always in your pocket.