Quote Originally Posted by ameerat42 View Post
Make sure you save it with the (camera data in the) Exif intact.

If "Save for Web"-ing in PS, turn on option to save Exif. Not sure of other

In PS, I just do a "Save as..." of the jpeg that was converted from raw (with Exif intact).
The Save as... always retains the camera data besides adding any from PS itself.

There is nothing in the AP attachment process that removes Exif.

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--Oh, PostScript: I see what you mean in your quote.
I meant there was little image data in that portion of the picture.

Apologies if it was not clear.
Hi AM, if I post a photo on other photo forums that I am a member of the exif is always there. But uploading a photo here because it has to be made less than 400k (or whatever the limit is) something or other causes the exif to be lost.

And I always seem to have problems with 'attachments'

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Quote Originally Posted by ameerat42 View Post
Go back to your Manage ATtachments, click on the asset you just uploaded and drag it to the attachments pane,
if it is not already there. Then click Insert Inline.
WOW.....10 years on here and I've never done that before!!!!