Quote Originally Posted by ricktas View Post
I use the D-fine filter in the Nik Filter suite for my noise reduction. Have not found the need to try any other software for quite some time.

I have been using the Nik stuff as well. When in Windows, I used it from Gimp, and you can get it to work in Linux as well, with a bit of mucking around. Mostly used D-fine and the sharpening.

However, I like to work in Linux a lot, and always watch developments for RAW processing in that world. Darktable has come a very long way, and I see even a Windows version is available. Since I posted about the denoise filters, I have found many other great things. Like, for example, an automatic perspective fixer. It recognises horizontal and vertical lines and twists the image into shape. It also seems much more powerful than, for example, DPP, in fixing highlights and shadows and clipping.

I think it may have enough features that I can do away with the need for any further processing in a lot of instances.