Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
They can, but if they are caught discriminating because the customers in question are gay, they could find themselves in legal trouble, not to mention the bad publicity destroying their business. It's not a difficult scenario to pick up. Gay couple goes to photographer, he says he is too busy, a straight couple go to him, he accepts, gay couple finds out in conversation that straight couple were accepted after they were turned down, gets annoyed, approaches the press, etc.

I honestly don't think people can afford to be in the wedding photography business if they're homophobic. The industry has changed, like records to CD's to online music, and if they aren't prepared to change with it, they could find themselves going under.
I don't disagree with you that if business people do not change with the market then they risk losing business. That's their choice and they may not be as successful as those who do change. I really don't think it will be a big issue . I'm sure gay people will go to the same people they have always gone to when they want thinks done - gay friendly businesses , businesses who don't care either way , or other gay people who run businesses . I don't think gay people are suddenly going to target those who they perceive to be non-gay friendly , just to prove a point or win some discrimination case . Current discrimination laws exist now making it illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of race, religion , sexuality etc... so if they wanted to do that they could have done it already. The whole issue is making a mountain out of a molehill IMHO , which is just what the A-team ( Abbott,Andrews and Abetz) want. Let's face it Cory Bernardi proposed that allowing Gay Marriage would lead to people eventually marrying their dogs!