So the legs + head come in at $USD370 alone. which equates to about $AUD470.
If that additional $60 you've claimed is USD60 for shipping, then it'll push that price into the $550 AU range.
That tripod(by specs, as I've never seen one in person) is a bit small .. in fact very small.
leg tube diameter is only 25mm .. to carry and stabilise a 70-200/2.8 I think a wee bit small!
The handy thing about such a small tripod is simply the ability to pack it into your luggage easily for plane travel .. not as much for hiking type travel.
The Carbon tripod I recommended, the C3570T is much larger(in diameter .. same as my Gitzo 3xxx series) and would be the minimum size tripod I'd use for a large lens like a 70-200/2.8.
Of course everyone is different and has different prioritites, but the less than 0.5kg saved for the legs is trivial for hiking.
I don't do air travel, so can't offer any advice on how important the size and weight saving would be.
But for general hiking, I can tell 'ya it's not going to be important.
ps. I only do up to 5hr round trip type hiking, not the long distance endurance type hiking too tho.
Also: I'm 'not a big fan' of those flip lock legs. My old Manfrotto 055 tripod has them .. why I stopped using it, as well as it's just not stable(ie. rigid).
The Gitzo style twist lock legs system(Benro use it on that C3570T model too) is a much better system(personal opinion there tho!)
If you really want a smaller very travel-ish sized set of legs tho(which I recommend against!) ...
THIS would be an almost direct comparison, but a major price difference!
The difference being the ballhead.
ps. another thing I don't like are those 3 way heads.
pps. You may notice there are things that I do and don't like!
ppps. Have you read
Thom Hogans tripod suggestions?
The relevant bit here is the section on expenditure section.
How do I know this article is accurate? .. making the same mistakes.
After more than 10 years, I'm still searching for a tripod that is good at everything!
I'm fairly confident that the three items I previously linked too in my earlier reply will do you for at least 10 years.
The caveat there tho is that you do what you currently do, and don't get into an area of photography that demands more from the support system.
Note tho, that there are ways around asking more from the support system .. ie hoping for it to be more rigid and not magnify vibrations and stuf like that.
But then to achieve that you then need a new camera body that offers mirror lockup(D5500 doesn't as far as I can tell).
But that C3570T + either of those two balheads will do 'ya for a long time .. so my recommendation is to spend that bit more(close to $800) and not to make the same mistakes I made with my first 3 tripods (I'm on my 4th!
#1 was given away.. three way head was attrocious(which started my dislike for Manfrotto products)
#2 I still have and didn't learn my don't buy Manfrotto products
#3 still Manfrotto, but it's my like for this system(the easy peasy way to set up a neoTech) .. so 'I knew what I was doing' with that purchase .. and no one else did that type of system.
#4 Gitzo is also over priced gear! You'll get folks that say it's great and what not, but mine broke .. just as any cheapie Chinese gear would. Once again it's just about the name. Note tho that I didn't say it's a bad product. It's just not worth the additional expense.
That is, had I bought a Benro like I should have and it broke in the same way as my Gitzo has, I would be less worried about it and just put it down to heavy useage.
But that Benro would have cost me 1/3rd the price of the supposedly top quality Gitzo.