Quote Originally Posted by timbo2410 View Post
yes the dock is a must in my opinion ... fine tune lens .. don't use the standard distance .. according to Sigma it is best to calibrate at the 3, 6, 15 and 30 metre ranges as it gives a better algorithm for focus .. don't ask me .. that's what they said .. it made a huge difference with mine and you can also adjust focal speed etc with the hub .. great bit of kit .. use a spyderlenscal for the shorter ranges but I made my own larger calibrator for the 15 and 30 metre ranges .. I can also test it at 50 and 75 with great results compared to the non calibrated shots.
Cheers timbo.

I've only managed to do the 3m and 6m so far as the wind has been gusting at up to 60ks. I managed a quick shot at about 5m after the adjustment and the improvement was incredible.