As I said I am not disagreeing with you as to the legality, in fact I totally agree and have done extensive research and made inquiries as to the legality of taking pictures in public places and Australia has no laws preventing you from doing so (as you have said). And again you do not need to change my mind as I am almost in total agreement with you, I am just saying that IF you know who the parents are of a child you are about to or already have taken pictures of I feel that it is much less likely to be a problem if you were to approach them, obviously IF you do not know who the parents are then that is a different situation and then it is up to you to make the call on whether or not to risk the wrath of unhappy parents. I do not feel the same about taking candid pics of teens and adults and just merrily click away, I have only ever been approach in that situation a couple of times and I explained what I was doing and some have asked if they could have copies and I obliged and emailed them the next day.