Some true stuff in there for sure. It's a bit different for me as I'm always taking photos of my own kids, but even then I always feel very self conscious about what parents of others kids are thinking, should I be shooting snaps at a playground or beach or something public like that.

To avoid issues I make sure other kids are never in the pics I take of my two, but then again, other parents don't know that unless they review the pics. But sometimes other kids in the pics can't be avoided, though, and I always have it in the back of my mind that someone might approach me one day with issues relating to my presence.

Anyway, playing devils advocate, I guess I could understand a protective parent being a little uncomfortable about a lone male taking photos in an area heavily populated by children, when the specifics aren't known to them (ie. lens, photographers intentions etc). I'm definitely not saying the above story is okay, and it's sad that the world has come to this, but I can definitely see both sides to the story. Obviously if the facts were known to everyone (maybe if the shirt was being worn, lol) we could all just get along, but people do love making a nice, general and sweeping assumption.

Again on the flip side, I'm also amazed by what people post about their kids on social media. I personally find it ridiculous on many levels. My wife lives on Facebook but has never posted a pic of our kids on there.

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