Quote Originally Posted by Tannin View Post
.... (Post 3000k to Brisbane is easier than driving 120k into Melbourne and finding a park, with or without a ride in a proper lift!)
Am I watching this bright green(ie) fade to black .. right here before my very eyes??

I'd have thought you'd drive to the outskirts, like North Melbourne or somewhere similarly distant, and either walk in or catch the freebie ye olde worlde loopy tram-y thingy.

Actually, come to think of it .. I get 'ya totally.
I hate driving anywhere near the city too, so I avoid it personally .. and just have to quietly live with my objection with respect to work related forays in that direction.

But! On the bright side(for me), I'm due for a drive to Ballarat soon ... just have to figure out a way to sync some free time with the ability to actually do it.