Quote Originally Posted by superbee15 View Post
So ultimately it was a fail. I used f9 on a 55mm focal length and was about 7 metres from subject.

Since getting back and investing how I may have done better it seems I may have been better with shorter FL and higher f number maybe to around f18.
For what you wanted it was a fail. Still a decent photo.
The shorter the FL the less DOF. So don't get closer, get further away for the purposes you want with this photo. Further away, increased DOF and if you have to crop the photo later so be it.
Also don't be afraid to try ISO400 here to get the shutter speed up. Strap over shoulder looks in focus but Mrs superbee15's face looks not so sharp. She smile and thus introduced a fraction of movement at the very instant you pressed the shutter button? Increased ISO also helps increase the f/#.