I initially had the eTTL unit for the two Canon flashes, but found that being IR they did not work too well if not in appropriate proximity to the transmitted. The advantage of eTTL is terrific but in the end I found not essential. Even with losing my light meter ..now where did i put it?? ...you get a fair idea from the screen. Not accurate till you get to the computer I know - not something for the Wedding shoot. Anyway the radio transmitters are incredibly cheap, but can't seriously be used professionally unless you treat them as a disposable asset, and have another set standing by. Also power setting isn't generally in the mix. So fun with the family and friends and well exposed pictures above the usual pancake shots from an on camera flash is where I would rank my kind of kit.

Kit that lets you dial up proper settings, with suitable power and adjustment - takes you into a different realm I reckon.