Hey all
I'll hopefully get all the want questions out of the way quick and start to contribute soon, but for now its want...want...want...
So I'm getting back behind the lens after a long hiatus and due to my current interests macro is going to sit right in. I've just invested in my new-s/h 7D body, I have my sport lens's sorted, now for the macro stuff. I've read many review articles, sat through as many videos and spoke to a few (Perth) camera shop sales guys of which almost every one has a different recommendation this may be due to the group of viable lens's are so close in quality they are hard to distinguish between thus I hear conflicting advise.
Question: So that being said I'm looking for a macro lens (Duh) for insect's primarily with the obvious flower and raindrop thrown in, I'd like to keep the $$ under or around $1K as I'd like to get it right once and with an option of it suiting a full frame camera in the future if at all possible. Quality is key but if I can get a top quality lens and spend less it just means more money for other gear
I'll just add some of the recommended lens's Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG, Tamron SP 90mm, Canon EF 100 f/2.8, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L and Sigma 150mm f/2.8...
I understand that everyone has a favorite and we are all different people but if I can get it narrowed down to a few I can make a decision from there.. with some tips along the way would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance