Gurus and geeks? Whatta bout me?

Aw awlright!

1. Kev.
2. Have you run ChrisPCWinEI on this yet to figger out its slow points?
3. Then do so.
4. I would say:
a) If you can, double the RAM. It's DDR3, but that should be OK.
b) Don't bovver with an SSD MOST probably because of "a)" AND the absolute power of the processor.
5. LIKE WIN10, as it'll be MUCH FASTER on that machine than ANY downgrade to Win 7 will EVER be.
6. If it's not Win10 yet, then "Make it so!"

And FINALLY, hurry up and run ChrisWinEI, as I want to know the results.

(Of course, if you could take it back and get something better, that would be best)