Hi Little Sparrow,

Sorry to thread mine. How did you go with this lens?

I have this exact lens on a D5300. I use it mainly for sports. Recently did a few shoots for the SA Futsal league which is all indoors. To compare it to something else I have also used the Nikon 70-200 F2.8 which is a 3k lens. I found the contrast of colors from the Tamron to be better in my opinion. The AF is a tad slower on the Tamron than the Nikon, but ever so slightly and you do learn to compensate as required.

As for weight, I agree it is heavy, so I invested in a monopod for my sports shots. Makes life worth living if you have one of these. Inexpensive and worth it if you value your arms.

Putting the shots on LR5, I found I didnt have to do too much editing. Some of the shots came out a little dark, but overall, nothing that couldn't be exposure compensated for and not looked washed out.

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Futsal UCA-37 by Shav Bird, on Flickr