Doesn't matter which way you look at it .. or label it.

Photography is photography, and while some don't like certain results, nor do they care for these particular workflows .. (which I include myself in this group) .. the end result is impossible to ignore.

Apple/Samsung dominate the world of digital image capture.

Whether you agree it's photography or not .. no one in their right mind would have predicted a few years ago that one of those manufacturers on their own(let alone the two of them!) would have the products that produce 5x as many digital images around the globe.... as Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Minolta/Sony, Fuji, Kodak, etc ... all combined, now do.

I suppose that one day into the future, things may change, yet again.

We may see a total demise of a particular brand, or device/format type to be replaced by another(or one currently gathering momentum).
We may see the traditional 'camera' heavyweights produce new devices that will turn the camera/smartphone market on it's head in a few years.