Live down south so am a little biased as to photographic spots.
  • Pt Willunga is a must with the iconic jetty ruins though make sure you check the tide times as this will determine the type of shot you want. High tide and all you'll get is water and the pylons. Low tide you'll get the sand and rocks in the scene as well as the jetty ruin. In the middle you'll get a nice scene with waves swirling around the rocks. Tip: wear wellington boots so you can wade in without getting your feet wet. Also protects your feet against the rocks.
  • McClaren Vale. Found a nice spot on the left as you turn into the town from Main South Rd. It is a Visitor Info place and there is a small vineyard and creek/lagoon you can walk around.
  • Wetland reserve on Byards Rd. Reynella. Great when foggy.
  • Pt Noarlunga for a jetty and beachside scenes.
  • Piggott Range Rd/Clarendon/Kangarilla has lovely rolling farmland which at the moment is super green due to the rain we've had of late.
  • Handorf for farm scenes. Stirling for Autumn colour.

Still on the lookout for more.