That is a fairly good basic itinerary. Some of the more interesting "little gems" are to be found a little way off the beaten track.
Ie, just off a bit from what you've shown here. However, some little extra time is required to do such a thing justice.

May I ask if the time allotted is all you can spare? Each of the towns/regional cities you pass through has lots of things to offer.
Otherwise, basically, and in my opinion, you're just going to do a road trip passing though lots of similar places.

In part, I am saying that perhaps some of the off-road gems hinted at could become your main focus along the way instead of
some of the larger towns.

To your basic itinerary listed above, I might suggest:
- the Capertee Valley itself, along with an extra detour to Dunns Swamp, the smaller towns of Kandos, Rylstone.
If you are not in an impecunious state, you could take a helicopter ride from a location just outside Capertee.
Here is a link with some info:

- A detour to take in the historic towns of Hill End and Sofala (Gulgong near Mudgee goes without saying.) The road
from Ilford to Sofala has some pretty spectacular vistas, though it is narrow and you'd need to pull over and stop.

- Another suggestion is the road back from Dubbo to Mudgee. IMO, passing along the narrow ones through Goolma is
way more enjoyable than the longer way through Dunedoo.

- Off the Gt Wstn Hwy even just a trip towards the fabled Jenolan Caves (where bankruptcy awaits) affords spectacular
Blue Mtns views. Nearby in Lithgow, take a road that leads to Hassans Walls lookout.

- Of Dubbo itself, do you intend to take about 3-4 hours and visit the zoo (walk around, it's better)?

- I could go on, but I don't want to presume on your trip too much. Basically, you will see a lot of "similar" stuff, but you will pass though
quite different geographical areas, and ther are notable differences to discover everywhere you go.

(Cripes! You make me feel like doing it now)

Yeah, 5 days will be an "intro" to the (vast) region. However, may you have an enjoyable journey.
