That's interesting, AK. It connects very well with the hands-free in the car, but that is OFF most of the time.

I talked to 2 very separate IT-ites today, and they each said that I'd be better off using a USB cable. I did not
quite get their reason - was there one? - why. So when I went looking for the cable today, I showed the chap
what shape connector it was.

"No it's not!" he said. "That's the charger input." He then showed me the very usual connector, of which I have a few cables
lying about. I came back with the intention of trying it, INSTEAD, I was battling with a leak of water through a window and
was DRYING that. Later, I will try the cable connection.

But, I have not given up on the BT with this phone.

Ta for your input.
