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Thread: Sir Prince Philip

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    True, but at least cars are accountable to the law.
    Cyclists are accountable to the law. Cyclists do get booked for their actions when the break the law. I do have first hand accounts of that from a member of the police force.

    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    I would challenge you to show a third of the number of cyclists that are booked for their actions. I have yet to see any cyclist booked for some of the crap they pull.
    I would challenge you to show figures that say 1/3 of cyclists who break the laws aren't getting booked. I would also challenge you to show figures that say that 1/3 of motor vehicle operators who break the law are being booked.

    As a hypothesis I would guess that the percentage of cyclist who do get booked from the overall numbers on the roads is already higher than the booking rate for motor vehicle users.

    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    I agree that motorists are bad, but as an actual percentage of drivers, I think they are a small number. In comparison, the number of cyclists would be a larger percentage of the total riding base and getting larger because there is no law enforcement initiatives aimed at them.
    Show me solid figures and proof to substantiate your feelings. I would almost lean the other way to say that the majority of motor vehicle operators break the road rules each day.

    MM and others, I don't live in the 'burbs so cyclists don't interrupt my travels much and cause me much frustration in the traffic but I do encounter plenty of them on the roads here and the overwhelming majority do ride within the law.
    Likewise I don't start vomiting bile when I have to sit behind a tractor with hay rake attached travelling at 25 kph in a 100 kph zone and know that I won't be able to overtake them ( lawfully ) for the next 3 klm.

    They have a right to use the road as much as anyone else.
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by I @ M View Post
    Cyclists are accountable to the law. Cyclists do get booked for their actions when the break the law. I do have first hand accounts of that from a member of the police force.

    I would challenge you to show figures that say 1/3 of cyclists who break the laws aren't getting booked. I would also challenge you to show figures that say that 1/3 of motor vehicle operators who break the law are being booked.

    As a hypothesis I would guess that the percentage of cyclist who do get booked from the overall numbers on the roads is already higher than the booking rate for motor vehicle users.

    Show me solid figures and proof to substantiate your feelings. I would almost lean the other way to say that the majority of motor vehicle operators break the road rules each day.

    MM and others, I don't live in the 'burbs so cyclists don't interrupt my travels much and cause me much frustration in the traffic but I do encounter plenty of them on the roads here and the overwhelming majority do ride within the law.
    Likewise I don't start vomiting bile when I have to sit behind a tractor with hay rake attached travelling at 25 kph in a 100 kph zone and know that I won't be able to overtake them ( lawfully ) for the next 3 klm.

    They have a right to use the road as much as anyone else.
    I know what I see in and around the city and I see more cyclists breaking the law than cars at present. I have yet to see one cyclist booked in the last 10 years. I have seen hundreds of cars booked. I don't see cyclists being targeted and this is one of the reasons they are quite blatant in their disregard for the law. They know they can get away with it.

    Yes they have just as much right to use the road, but if they use the roads I expect them (along with all other drivers) to obey the rules. Being more vulnerable doesn't give you an exclusion from the laws.

    I would simply like to see them being more accountable like cars and motorcycles are.

  3. #63
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    * sorry everyone*. I was trying to quote a post here and accidentally deleted it (MissionMan's post). If the ^ doesn't flow properly, it was my fault.
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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post

    Cyclists seem to be the new mafia. A small minority of people who think they own the roads, can ignore the rules and are unaccountable for their actions.

    Only when they are caught. I have seen plenty of idiot drivers who do not give a damn, and have not been accountable in any way.

    But we are going off-topic now, let's get back to the less confrontational topic of this thread ...politics.

    Oh and I have been booked for speeding, on my pushbike..twice. Haven't lost any points, but paid a couple of nice fines. Haven't been booked for anything driving a car, for at least 10 years now.
    Last edited by ricktas; 07-02-2015 at 10:22am.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricktas View Post
    * sorry everyone*. I was trying to quote a post here and accidentally deleted it (MissionMan's post). If the ^ doesn't flow properly, it was my fault.
    well, there goes my vote for you as the next PM.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    I know what I see in and around the city and I see more cyclists breaking the law than cars at present. I have yet to see one cyclist booked in the last 10 years. I have seen hundreds of cars booked.
    Cyclists are highly visible due to no steel cage with tinted windows surrounding them, usually they wear high visibility clothing ( just gotta luv fluro lycra ) and surely you see them as they zip past you on the left in the bike lane while you sit at yet another set of traffic lights.
    Motor vehicle operators can safely hide their mobile phone in their laps whilst texting, catch up on the today show on their ipad wedged in the console and even hold hands with their loved ones whilst being invisible to most other road users.

    For what it is worth, the last time I was in Melbourne for the space of about 2 hours I saw 2 cyclists being booked in different locations. I didn't see any motor vehicle operators pulled over by the police but of course we all know that safety cameras do those jobs ----

    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    I don't see cyclists being targeted and this is one of the reasons they are quite blatant in their disregard for the law. They know they can get away with it.
    Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

    Once again, I see flagrant disregard for the law on a daily basis around here by vehicle operators because they know they can get away with it. Police presence on the roads other than the Highway #1 is minimal so motor vehicle operators do flout the law safe in the knowledge that there are few police, easily spotted speed cameras and a great sense of anonymity as "just another vehicle operator".

    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    Yes they have just as much right to use the road, but if they use the roads I expect them (along with all other drivers) to obey the rules. Being more vulnerable doesn't give you an exclusion from the laws.

    I would simply like to see them being more accountable like cars and motorcycles are.
    It sounds very much that you would like to see registration plates on cycles so that safety cameras can fine them into submission or that socially and morally responsible citizens can report their indiscretions to the authorities.

    I tell you what, I will back that move when they make real time gps data logging of every vehicle on the road a reality. I would even go so far tyo say that all motor vehicle operators in particular should have dash cam ( or 2 ) complete with drug and alcohol detectors recording their every action and streamed direct to a control centre where any driving offence can be immediately detected and a fine sent. Better still, maybe that control centre could activate a small explosive charge built into the vehicle ( similar to that youtube video ) and that way we would not have so many repeat offenders on the road.

    Would you be happy to have more attention centred on your driving habits?

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissionMan View Post
    well, there goes my vote for you as the next PM.
    I don't know. I would love to hit Delete on lots of political policy!

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by I @ M View Post
    Cyclists are highly visible due to no steel cage with tinted windows surrounding them, usually they wear high visibility clothing ( just gotta luv fluro lycra ) and surely you see them as they zip past you on the left in the bike lane while you sit at yet another set of traffic lights.
    Motor vehicle operators can safely hide their mobile phone in their laps whilst texting, catch up on the today show on their ipad wedged in the console and even hold hands with their loved ones whilst being invisible to most other road users.

    For what it is worth, the last time I was in Melbourne for the space of about 2 hours I saw 2 cyclists being booked in different locations. I didn't see any motor vehicle operators pulled over by the police but of course we all know that safety cameras do those jobs ----

    Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

    Once again, I see flagrant disregard for the law on a daily basis around here by vehicle operators because they know they can get away with it. Police presence on the roads other than the Highway #1 is minimal so motor vehicle operators do flout the law safe in the knowledge that there are few police, easily spotted speed cameras and a great sense of anonymity as "just another vehicle operator".

    It sounds very much that you would like to see registration plates on cycles so that safety cameras can fine them into submission or that socially and morally responsible citizens can report their indiscretions to the authorities.

    I tell you what, I will back that move when they make real time gps data logging of every vehicle on the road a reality. I would even go so far tyo say that all motor vehicle operators in particular should have dash cam ( or 2 ) complete with drug and alcohol detectors recording their every action and streamed direct to a control centre where any driving offence can be immediately detected and a fine sent. Better still, maybe that control centre could activate a small explosive charge built into the vehicle ( similar to that youtube video ) and that way we would not have so many repeat offenders on the road.

    Would you be happy to have more attention centred on your driving habits?
    As a motorcyclist who rides within the confines of the law, I am every bit as vulnerable as bicycles so I would have no issue with dash cams or whatever else you propose. When I'm in the car, I drive within the confines of the law.

    I am well aware of people using their phones on cars, I ride a motorbike so I see it every day along with the cyclist breaking the law. I'm am well aware of the danger they pose to me, but unpredictable cyclists who don't obey the law pose just as much danger to me. I welcomed the introduction of unmarked bikes because I see how drivers are caught on their phones because bikes have more visibility of this.

    Incidentally, I'm not proposing plates, I'm simply proposing the police actively target rogue cyclists which I seem to observe being ignored. I think the failure to act will just result in it getting progressively worse and even harder to change the behaviour. I don't see why this is such an issue.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricktas View Post
    I don't know. I would love to hit Delete on lots of political policy!
    +1. It also seems commonplace for parties to sabotage the next party if they know they will lose the election at the expense of the public.

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    Give him the honour, who cares and what does it matter in the scheme of life. Nothing>
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  11. #71
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    mmm, didn't realise Sir Prince Philip was a cyclist who used a mobile phone!!
    It's late, good Knight.
    Last edited by Mark L; 08-02-2015 at 11:07pm.

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