"Hi crafty, you look like a macro shooter? It would be interesting to see what an Olympus EM-1 with Olympus 60mm macro m.Zuiko can do for you. I suspect that if you are a sophisticated user of off-camera flash, the advantage would still lie with the Canon for your work. But if you have another approach to lighting, the ยต4/3 option might amaze."

I just love all photography, but my main love is macro. I shoot with a Canon 7D and now a 5D Mk III with a Canon 180 mm 3.5 L series lens, alternating between the two cameras. The 7D has a slight edge over the 5D with faster frames per second for bees in flight etc, but the 5D Mk III is much sharper. I never use flash and hand hold for my photos. I am saving to buy the 60 mm macro m.Zuiko as I also would be interested in the results. I did buy an adaptor to use my Canon lenses on the Olympus, but so far I haven't figured out how to get it to work. It fits the camera and the lenses fit, but I get no picture on the screen - I reread the ad and it said I have to use another setting to get it to work, but haven't had time to sit and try and figure it out. I find the Olympus an excellent little camera for family days and days when I can't be bothered carry my heavy gear around. You can look at my photos on my Flickr account if you wish at:


I do have a set for photos with the Olympus as well as sets for my insects (along with many others LOL). Do you have a Flickr account - I would be interested in seeing your photos both with a DSLR and the Panasonic.