Quote Originally Posted by bobt View Post
Personally, I don't feel that deliberately killing any creature for fun is such a good concept. If you like shooting guns, then shoot targets. I have guns, and I enjoy shooting; however there's a difference between shooting and killing. I know a lot of shooters will justify it by saying they're hunting for food, but the bottom line is generally that it's the thrill of killing a duck that turns them on. Pretty sad really.
Would you consider the same for fisherman, or those that work in abattoirs, Kangaroo shooters, rabbit shooters or even farmers who slaughter their own stock? Most duck shooters I know enjoy duck (It is a great meat). I am not sure where this perception that duck hunters are any different to anyone else who slaughters a meat animal for food, comes from. If you eat meat or fish, you have to accept that to do so, someone, somewhere had to kill it.