Quote Originally Posted by Doc63 View Post

Just to muddy the waters, someone has offered me a second hand D60, with a new Nikon 18-105mm f3.5-5.6 lens & a spare battery for $350. Is that a good deal, or should I wait until I have enough for the D5100 & a 18-200mm?

Not particularly! D60 is old hat tech, with many serious limitations from the camera body.

For that combo, I'd pay no more than $300, but realistically $250.

A quick spot check will find that a D60 with the twin lens kit may or may not sell for appox: $150 on ebay.

I say geddit!(at $300 or less) .. I know what it cost this person, and while the 18-105VR is a great kit lens, they're a dime'a'dozen product ... and ebay would net you those items for about $300 or so.

I wouldn't place too much emphasis at this stage on the currency of the technology, and those two items will give some good results to begin with.

If you get more interested in photography, the basic feature set of the D60 will be the perfect camera to weed out deficiencies of the camera body for your intended use.

That is, if you don't want or need compatibility with non CPU lenses, then why get a camera that gives you this feature. If you want(or need) a camera with mirror lockup, or an exposure delay feature, then look for that in the next camera purchase.

So at $300(hopefully less) ... then you should have some left over money to acquire a good tripod for landscape work, a wireless remote for controlling the camera, and a few other accessories to assist you in getting the exposures right from the camera.

How the future pans out beyond this point will become more clear as you understand more about how you end up using the camera.

my advice would be to get it.